Saturday, 26 March 2011

Blinking Gooey

Using one of the first tutorials that we were shown this semester I was able to create my characters eye. I started off with creating a sphere, i rotated it by 90 degrees so that the bottom center point was at the forefront of the sphere. With this done i then cloned the sphere twice and scaling them up ever so slightly to create the eyelids. To make them actually look like eye lids i made them both hemispheres of 0.5 and arranged them appropriately.

In order to make the eye pupil i created a small hemisphere of the original sphere (this made a flat edge in the front of the eyeball. Using multi/sub-layers i was able to make the first colour black (pupil) and the second colour white/cream (eyeball).

See the video below to see Gooey Goo blinking :)

First renders of Gooey Goo

From numerous attempts of trying to make my character i was finally able to be happy with one. I started off by making a simple box with various segments. I then extruded, extended, rearranged and rotated the edges, faces and vertexes. Once i was happy with my creation it was then time to apply materials. It was really a case of trial and error when selecting an appropriate material.

The images below are the materials used for the characters skin, eyes and eyelids & antenna's respectively.

The reason for my character having a gooey texture is to show that he is fairy fat and overweight. One of my aims for this animation to have the character wobble slightly as he moves to show that he is fat.

I have also used antenna's instead of an eyebrow because i feel that as an animator i can portray my characters personality and characteristics easier with using two things (antenna's) rather than just one (eyebrow).