Thursday, 14 April 2011

Making the scene

Once the character was created I then began to work on the scene creation. This didnt take too long and wasnt too challenging either. I started off by creating the room. To do this i created a large plane, and then added 4 boxes around it to act as the walls. In one of the boxes i created a small hole (this will be used as the mouse hole). To create this i added a capsule and then applied the boolean modifer to the wall and chose the capsule (see screen shot). This cut out the shape of the capsule that was in contact with the wall.

For the material of the walls i used the image below that i created using Photoshop. A small amount of noise was added to the colour of the wall itself to give a more realisitic cartoon effect.

Creating the mousetrap itself was the most time consuming, but this was just a case of making a set shapes and fitting them all together and adjusting their pivot points respectively in order to make the mousetrap seem like it works.

When it came to creating the cheese i used the same method for creating the mouse hole for the holes in the cheese but instead of using a capsule shape i used a series of different sized spheres.

For the lighting i used 2 omni nights in opposite corners of the scene, this made the scene very bright and got rid of shadows which would be unnecessary for this project.

Over all i am very happy with how the scene has turned out.

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